Being able to answer basic questions about your book and story line is essential for the novels sake. It is in these basic questions that we sometimes assume to know already but don't, that every author should be able to answer, and the simplicity brings on a broader perspective as you go from one question to another or idea that develops into material used in your novel. Ask yourself these basic questions, but go even further to ask character questions.
For example, try thinking of basic questions that people ask themselves in the real world. "What am I doing?" "Who am I?" "What now?" All of these questions provide large range thinking and developing of character. For instance, my favorite, "Who am I?", can help you expand on your characters, and know them better, by helping them answer the questions. What does this character think of himself?
You might even use some of the questions that you came up with in your book. And when your character gets to a certain emotional point, one of these questions might arise. You will relate to your character's feelings and help the reader to also.